Wednesday 20 January 2016



"Jazz Band Concert 2015"

Photojournalism by Emily Anderson


      I took this photo at the Holy Cross Jazz Band lunchtime concert in December 2015. I used a Nikon D7000 DSLR camera with a Nikkor 80-200 mm 1:2.8 D lens. I edited the image in Adobe Photoshop CS3. The biggest challenge in taking a photo at a live concert was being in the right spot at the right time, and having the correct focus and exporsure. My biggest achievement was having my work displayed on the school's website.

Publicity Head Shot


"Bailey Vanduinen Publicity Head Shot"

Photography by Emily Anderson

I photographed this publicity headshot of model Bailey Vanduinen. I took this photo using the Nikon D7000 DSLR camera with a Nokkor 18-55mm 1:3.5-5.6 G || lens. To create Rembrandt lighting, I used a Camray Aurora Light bank studio flash unit with a soft box. To edit this photo I used an iMac device with Adobe Photoshop CS3. I added a black and white filter on Photoshop to create a classic Hollywood vibe.

Training Exercises

  "Shutter Speed"

Photography by Emily Anderson


     To broaden our knowledge of photography skills, in Grade 12 com tech we completed a variety of photo exercises. This included composition, natural lighting, shutter speed, and depth of field exercises. The shutter speed exercise included taking one photo with incorrect shutter speed, and one with correct shutter speed. The most challenging obstacle to overcome about this project was to find the correct fast shutter speed to capture the moment. To take this photo, I used a Nikon D7000 DSLR camera, and edited it on an iMac using Adobe Photoshop CS3.

Album Redesign


"Hilary Duff Metamorphosis"

Album Redesign by Emily Anderson 

     This is the album redesign I created for Hilary Duff's album "Metamorphosis" in Grade 11 Communication Technology. The original album was released in 2003, so I was up for the challenge of  making an updated album cover. To express "Metamorphosis," I included half of the model's face with no makeup, her hair up, and in black and white. On the other side, is the opposite side of a person, with her hair down, smiling and tons of bright colours. This is to portray "metamorphosis" within a person. To take these photos, I used a Nikon D7000 camera with a Nikkor 18-55mm 1:3.5-5.6 G || lens. I then edited the images on an iMac using the Adobe Photoshop CS3.

Movie Poster

  "Better Get This on Tape Movie Poster"

Photography by Emily Anderson

     This is the movie poster I created for the short movie I filmed in Grade 12 communications technology class. The movie is called, "Better Get this on Tape." To capture the theme of suspense in the film, I edited out the face of the unknown murderer. To edit the image I took, I used Photoshop CS3 on an iMac. I took this picture with a  Nikon D7000 DSLR camera with a Nokkor 18-55mm 1:3.5-5.6 G || lens. My greatest achievement on this assignment was creating a powerful visual element to represent, and create interest in the film.

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